Tech Webcast offers advertising in exchange for your support of the podcast. We aim to provide you with a good audience and exposure with the following promotional packages:
On Twitter
We’ll mention you every week on the @TechWebcast Twitter account.
Cost: $2 a month (50 cents a week)
Podcast & Twitter
You’ll get a public thank you on the Podcast every week.
We’ll also mention you every week on the @TechWebcast Twitter account.
Cost: $5 a month ($1.25 a week)
Website Advert, Podcast & Twitter
A permanent 125 x 125 px graphic advert on the Tech Webcast website.
You’ll also get a public thank you on the Podcast every week.
We’ll also mention you every week on the @TechWebcast Twitter account.
Cost: $10 a month ($2.50 a week)
Audio Promo, Website Advert, Podcast & Twitter
A 30 second audio promotion during the podcast every week.
A permanent 125 x 125 px graphic advert on the Tech Webcast website
You’ll also get a public thank you on the Podcast every week.
We’ll also mention you every week on the @TechWebcast Twitter account.
Cost: $20 a month ($5 a week)